Thursday, November 27, 2008



Chromatography is where ink is used as evidence. It is often used if a threatening letter has been used or a victim has left a note at the crime scene. The letter could then be placed under water
for about half an hour and the ink will run. Each pen goes differently when placed in water. You could then find out which pen was used. You could take pens from suspects and see which one is the one used. Here is some pictures of chromatography!

DNA Fingerprinting

DNA Fingerprinting

When fingerprints are left at a crime scene forensic scientists use magnetic powder to reveal the fingerprint, this is so they can identify who's fingerprint it is. Fingerprints are often left a crime scenes unless the victim was wearing gloves. Forensic scientists can find out who's fing
erprint it is because of the pattern on your finger, everyone has a different pattern, this is called your fingerprint. If the police think they know who committed the crime they can match their fingerprint up with the one from the crime scene, they can then tell they did it. Here is some pictures of forensic scientists using fingerprints.

Blood Types

Blood Types

Sometimes when there has been a crime blood from the victim is left at the crime scene. Forensic scientists then will take the blood and use it for DNA samples. This can be used to identify the person who committed the crime. To take the blood to test it they will use
a cotton swab to pick up some blood. They would then take it to the lab and then use a microscope to look at it. The blood types are O positive, O negative, A positive, A negative, B positive, B negative, AB positive, AB negative. Here are some photos of blood.



Everyone has a different fingerprint! This is how you can identify peoples fingerprints. Each fingerprint has a different pattern on it so if you have a fingerprint and you
need to find out who's it is you can match it up with another one. To get your fingerprint you would place your finger in some ink and then place it on a clear piece of glass. You can then see the pattern on your finger, this is your fingerprint. Here are some pictures of fingerprints!